Application No 273130-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPKA1-ECHE
PIC 907267579
Erasmus Code RS BELGRAD18


link Erasmus Charter 

Institution's international (EU and non-EU) strategy
Following its tradition of openness, and scientific and professional potentials, the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship continues to invest efforts to promote constructive academic relations with HEIs and relevant institutions worldwide, as well as to promote international exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff. Regarding the main goals, our Faculty has harmonized various aspects of its organization with the European higher education area.
We have implemented a two-cycle system (with these variations: 3+2 or 4+1); introduced diplomas and diploma supplements - defining the level of qualification and professional competences. Simultaneously with all these activities, the process of internationalization was developed.
The internationalization strategy implies more intensive inclusion of the Faculty into the mainstream academic cooperation in the region and in Europe. In more recent times, in the framework of the Tempus Program or in the Erasmus+ projects we have been actively establishing contacts and networks of HEI. With our partners, who we have already had contacts with, we are also collaborating through other forms of academic activities: conferences, joint papers and journals, visiting professorship, research projects, joint study programs, etc. The number of new partners increases continuously. We are looking for a partner in a particular field of expertise, with experience and know-how, in order to benefit from diverse experiences, so we usually have partners from whole Europe (EU and non-EU), especially in the Balkan region, which is logical to collaborate with, because of similar languages, culture and habit.
From the aspect of mobility, the most important objective is to prepare the student to operate well in other environments. In this regard, we provide adequate study programs and joint programs of academic studies, enable the lectures of prominent foreign professors, and increase the number of foreign students at the Faculty. The international mobility is a tool to further expand/develop/disseminate the values ​​that our Faculty stands for. The main goal of the Faculty is to modernize the curriculum based on innovations so as to incorporate research results into education and introduce students to modern business.
Nowadays, the Faculty is interested in implementing programmes that will lead to the realization of joint and double diplomas. It implies the following elements: the structure of the joint study programme, the curriculum, student and academic standards, courses, resources, financial support, academic support, potential liabilities and other risks, and measures of progress and success.
Implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme
The Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship is committed to internationalization through enhancing relations with foreign universities/faculties; collaboration in international projects; improvement in cooperation, coordination and monitoring the participation in academic and other networks; enhancing study programs and tailoring its curriculum to evolving business needs; support the international mobility; organizing international conferences; contributing to the creation of a professional and competent European workforce.
Erasmus+ programme provides ample opportunities for improving all aspects of international cooperation at the Faculty. Fully aware that the quality of academic programmes and student satisfaction correlate with personal mobility experience and participation in projects, the Faculty management actively supports all initiatives coming from individual members of academic/administrative staff or from research teams or from student organizations.
The Faculty accepts all objectives of the EU Agenda. By participating at the international cooperation projects, the Faculty strives to improve management and funding, the quality of HEI, and the overall quality through mobility and international cooperation.
The support is supported by the Centar for International Cooperation, the Law Department, the Accountant’s Office, the Student Parliament, including the Director. The Faculty has also introduced the institution of the Erasmus+ Office whose duty is to help with very specific problems related to lack of experience or delicate issues. The Office is the central point for incoming/outcoming students and staff, and offers them full assistance with application, admission, accommodation, and all formalities. There is likewise the Mobility Coordinator who takes care of the realization of mobilities at the Faculty. The Office organizes special English courses that are offered to further develop the language competences of future applicants for the Erasmus+ programmes.
The Centar for International Cooperation prepared various bylaws and rulebooks which help all involved to avoid mistakes and pitfalls during applying or implementing the project. The Centar is also responsible for providing information about programme participation and execution. The Faculty web services are of big importance for the dissemination and exploitation of project results, and project sustainability. The ERASMUS+ programme is also advertised on the Faculty website focusing on mobility, with mobility activities addressed towards both students and professors.
Erasmus+ Programme has been an integral part of the strategy of internationalization. This strategy encourages student and staff mobility, promotes transnational teaching activities, enables visibility of the project results, and provides non-discrimination practice. Non-discrimination policies will be further developed through blended mobility and different kinds of support within an inclusive multi-ethnic academic culture.
Expected impact of our participation in the Erasmus+ Programme
In the future the Faculty will be oriented towards developing international activities and cooperation and consequent integration into the common EHEA. The modernisation will consider the harmonization of study programs with other HEIs in the EU, recognition of study results and credit system (ECTS points) gained through mobility, student and staff mobility, lifelong learning, promotion of EHEA, as well as supporting cross-border validation of degrees.
The Faculty is promoting goals of the renewed EU Agenda for HE:

  • tackling future skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development to the benefit of society,
  • building inclusive and connected higher education systems within EHEA,
  • ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation,
  • supporting effective and efficient higher education systems,
  • addressing inequality in education systems,
  • enhancing internationalisation in HE,
  • developing competences which will be needed for the decades to come.


In 2015, a strategy on international cooperation was implemented at the Faculty, dedicated to the Faculty’s international mobility activities. In 2017 the Faculty joined the Erasmus program as a partner institution. Our goal was to create the competencies of the institution and teachers that will be needed in the years to come. Further steps towards modernization are reflected in the development of competences through the mobility of teachers and staff.
The main objective is to modernize the procedures and improve the skills of young teachers in order to be able to be prepared for strategic partnership projects in the future. Our institutional capacity to date has proven a number of positive and sustainable impacts on all parts of the project involved and through successful implementation of the results as well as their use. It will strengthen the international, intellectual, scientific, technological and cultural relations of our institution.